Much is written of honor and loss on this perennial marking of Veteran’s Day. For me, not just a casual observance.

The victorious soldier conquers not only the enemy, but the bundled tumult of bubbling fear, homesickness, escape, submission to authority and the impending bedlam. I know nothing of this, the battlefield and it’s realtime reality. I was spared from it. Internally I wished not to be in that situation, but was willing to go, yet ultimately my military service ended up stateside. I did not live for war… few did…but these brave ones whether inspired, resigned or reticent…marched on. Today, I celebrate those who did.

I also cannot forget the residual familial wreckage of the battlefield…and the avalanche of death and bewilderment in the aftermath. Today, I celebrate those who live or have lived through it.

I have lost dear friends to this disease of war. ..and today, still wonder where all the flowers have gone.

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